Health Issues After Weight Loss Surgery

Health Issues after SurgeryWeight loss surgery provides many benefits, but it can also lead to health problems for you if you don’t take the proper precautions. Following the advice on our Bariatric Guide is the best way to prevent post-surgical complications and long-term health problems.

The issues you may face vary based on the type of bariatric surgery you choose. Below is a basic overview of the health risks following gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and lap band surgery.

The follow up after surgery is as important as the surgery and your preparation for surgery. We can always access your progress as you go through your weight loss. Optimization of your success, and prevention of problems through discussions, fluoroscopy, can and will make you weight loss a sustainable process.

Gastric Bypass

Possible problems after gastric bypass include:

  • Constipation. Eating smaller amounts of food can lead to less frequent or more difficult bowel movements.
  • Reactive hypoglycemia. If you eat a meal high in carbohydrates, you may develop a blood sugar imbalance, which leads to sweating, lightheadedness and jitters.
  • Dumping syndrome. Eating foods high in grease, sugar or fat may cause diarrhea, vomiting, hot flashes and other undesirable symptoms.
  • Hibernation syndrome. Because of the decrease in food supply, you may experience depression, lethargy and exhaustion.
  • Clogging. Failing to chew food well enough may cause it to become stuck between the food pouch and the intestines, leading to vomiting and discomfort.
  • Gas. Gas problems are common after gastric bypass, especially if you consume carbonated products or dairy.
  • Vomiting. If you eat too fast or too much or if you fail to chew your food properly, you may vomit.
  • Emotional issues. Rapid weight loss can lead to depression, problems in interpersonal relationships, identity crises and cross addiction.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

After sleeve gastrectomy, you may experience:

  • Vomiting. If you eat too much, eat too fast or swallow food that isn’t chewed properly, you may vomit.
  • Clogging. Clogging occurs when you eat too much food at one time or fail to chew properly.
  • Constipation. Because your food intake is limited, you may develop constipation, especially if you don’t drink enough liquids or take in enough fiber.
  • Gas. You may experience gas after a sleeve gastrectomy. Some foods may be more problematic than others.
  • Emotional issues. Losing weight quickly may cause problems in your relationships with others, self-image issues, cross addiction or depression.
  • Staple line leakage. Fluids may leak along the staple line, leading to serious complications.

Lap Band

Possible problems you may face after lap band surgery include:

  • Constipation. As with other weight loss procedures, you may encounter constipation because of limited food intake.
  • Vomiting. Eating too much, insufficient chewing or eating too fast can lead to nausea and vomiting.
  • Clogging. Food can become stuck in the band, if the patient eats fast or not chew the food well.
  • Gas. Some patients experience gas and bloating after lap band surgery.
  • Emotional issues. As you lose weight, you may struggle with self image, depression, addictive behaviors and other emotional problems.

For More Information on Weight Loss Surgery.

For more information on bariatric surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Baptista, please contact Florida Surgical Physicians today.

Health Issues